
4 Global Citizenship Education Myths that Every Elementary Teacher Needs to Know

4 Global Citizenship Education Myths that Every Elementary Teacher Needs to Know
Giota Kalogirou
Giota Kalogirou


Global citizenship education (GCE) is one of the big changes in education in the last decade, yet it is often surrounded by numerous education myths that can lead to elementary teachers being confused about how to implement it.

What if I told you global citizenship is already part of your curriculum in MULTIPLE different subjects?

In this article, we will explore common myths about global citizenship education, provide clarity, and inspire elementary school teachers to confidently embrace global education in their classroom in a fun and easy way. Let’s bust some myths and see how global education can transform your teaching and your students' learning experiences.

What is Global Citizenship Education?

Global citizenship education (GCE) equips students with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to navigate and contribute to an increasingly interconnected world. Emphasizing critical thinking, empathy, and cultural awareness.

In simple words, kids will live in a very global world, their education needs to reflect that. Global citizenship simply shows them the global context of what they are already learning.

Global Citizenship Myth #1: Too Complex for Young Learners

One prevalent myth about global citizenship education is that it is too complex for young learners to grasp.

However, this is a misconception.

3 girls in Yemen showcasing traditional clothing from their heritage
young learners are often the most excited to learn about new places!

While global issues can indeed be intricate, they can be introduced in an age-appropriate manner that resonates with K-6 students. For instance, instead of introducing topics such as environmental stewardship with definitions and statistics. Teachers can use:

  • stories
  • activities
  • discussions
  • games

to make these ideas relatable and understandable. Children are naturally curious and empathetic, and excited to learn about other children around the world. By breaking down complex topics into manageable lessons, educators can effectively introduce global education in K-6 without overwhelming their students.

If done right, global citizenship education is an after-effect of every lesson!

The best way to integrate global prespectives into your classroom is by signing up to our free web-application and access lessons, activities, and printables with original content from over 25 communities from around the world - you can get started here!

Global Education Myth #2: Only Relevant in Multicultural Settings

Another common myth is that global citizenship education is only relevant in multicultural settings. Regardless of the local demographic makeup, students benefit from learning about different cultures, global interdependence, and international challenges.

two girls in Lesotho, Africa are watching videos from kids in Nepal talking about their culture
Neo and Rathabile from Lesotho learn about Nepalese culture watching videos of kids in Nepal! 

In fact, students in homogenous settings can benefit from global citizenship even more, as they get the opportunity to be exposed to ideas and settings that they would otherwise not be able to.

Global Education Myth #3: It Replaces Core Subjects

This one is my personal favotite... the idea that global citizenship education might step on the toes of core subjects like math, science, and language arts is simply not true!

Think of global education as that secret ingredient that brings a flavorful twist to your classic recipes.

By infesting core subjects with global themes, we're not replacing them - we’re supercharging them with real-world prespectives.

Global citizenship education is part of all core subjects
Global prespectives can be integrated into any subject!

Picture this...

Geography lessons become...

a cultural festival, celebrating diversity and the interconnected webs we all contribute to.

Science transforms into...

an exploratory mission, unveiling the environmental enigmas and sustainability secrets of our beautiful blue marble.

And language arts?

It turns into a worldly adventure, where we explore music, dance, patterns and recipes from around the world.

The best thing about global education is how students develop hard skills like reading comprehension without even realising.

Global Citizenship Myth #4:  is More Work for Teachers

Many educators fear that incorporating global citizenship education into their K-6 curriculum will significantly increase their workload.

interface of Touchable Earth web-application for lesson planning and original resources for elementary teachers
Access to over 400 original videos, activities and printables through Touchable Earth

That is a valid concern for any teacher that is already trying their hardest to incorporate so much more into their lessons... and the reason we started Touchable Earth and offer a free 14 day trial of all premium features!

Integrating global education doesn't necessarily mean creating entirely new lesson plans or additional assignments. Instead, it can be seamlessly woven into existing subjects and activities. So here are 3 ways Touchable Earth can help you add global prespectives into any lesson...

Ease of Integration:

Explore journeys to get ready made lessons, that include videos and activities specifically made to showcase different parts of the world. Journeys are aligned with your curriculum so you can use lessons in Touchable Earth in a seamless way.

High-quality content- pver 400 videos

Global prespectives is not about talking is about listening. Within Touchable Earth you will find kids from over 25 places around the world talking about their place, introducing their family, friends, games, transportation to school and so much more. Videos cover themes that any child can understand and connect with, and our team of fantastic learning designers and teachers design activities to complement them.

Flipped Classroom approach

Global Citizenship is all about empowering students to take the lead. Instead of spending hours trying to source high-quality materials to use in your classroom, let kids do the talking and get a curriculum-aligned approach to stories from around the world!

Looking for more global citizenship education resources:

  • Start your free trial for Touchable Earth here
  • 7 books that foster curiosity and take your students around the world
  • Articles and Free resources on Global Citizenship education that elementary teachers can access here.

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